Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography Tips For Beginners – Calypso Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography is always a stressful work for beginners. As you know wedding day is the most precious day for a bride and a groom. To capture the beautiful memories of that day a photographer is really necessary. Now a days wedding photography is done with new new ideas. Everyone wants to make their wedding photography different from others. I have visited many weddings and i have seen the efforts that took by the photographers. A beginner photographer will face very tough work as he or she have to manage many things. First of all, the photographer has to be very friendly to the bride, groom and also to the family and guests.


wedding photography


The Beginner should be aware of the preparations that has to be taken before a shoot. The photographer should meet the couple before shoot, collect their ideas and expectations. Try to bring new ideas and impress the couple you meet. Photographer should carry extra batteries, memory cards, lenses etc. Silence your camera for candid photos. Now a days candid photos are a trend. People needs natural photos. So a beginner should turn off the sound of a camera before he or she takes photo.

Here are some tips and guidelines for beginner photographers.  Wedding Photography Tips For Beginners – Calypso Wedding Photography

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